是秋季的第一个节气,为秋季的起点。秋季从立秋起至立冬结束,其起始与结束,是天体运行的结果。在自然界,万物开始从繁茂成长趋向萧索成熟。今年的立秋在八月七日。Start of Autumn & Beginning of AutumnAlthough Start of Autumn indicates the beginning of autumn, hot weather will not come to an end. The period of hot days after Start of Autumn, usually lasting for 30 days, is called "Autumn Tiger" or "Indian Summer." Because of decreasing precipitation, it is even more sweltering during this period than during Major Heat.虽然立秋预示着秋天的开始,但是炎热的天气还远没有结束。立秋过后,炎热的天气通常还会再持续30天,这段时间被称之为“秋老虎”,北美人称之为“印第安夏”。这一段时间有强降水,甚至会比大暑还要热。precipitation /prɪˌsɪpɪˈteɪʃn/ 降水sweltering /ˈsweltərɪŋ/ 酷热的
Autumn Tiger:The period of hot days after Start of Autumn is called "Autumn Tiger".
Indian Summer: You can refer to a period of unusually warm and sunny weather during the autumn as an Indian summer .印第安夏:秋天温暖干燥的天气;小阳春We had a splendid Indian summer last October.去年十月,我们度过了一个十分美妙的小阳春。
When it comes to this season, the leaves of the firmianatree start to fall, thus there is a saying of “One leave falls, autumn arrives.” When the sun reaches the celestial longitude of 135 degrees, the summer is passing away and the weather turns cold gradually. People can feel the wind is getting cool and see fogs in the morning sometimes. It’s also a season of harvest.
Traditions around this time include “touch the autumn”, “get the autumn fat” and so on. “Touch the autumn” happens on the day of August 15,when all the married women who still haven’t got children go to the filed in the midnight, find and touch the melon seeds, with the accompany of her sister-in-law or other females. It’s also popular to “get the autumn fat”. Since people have little appetite during the hot summer and often lose some weight, the beginning of autumn will simulate appetite again.
“Autumn Begins” is the season of transformation. The Yang Qi gets less and Yin Qi grows. It’s the most important time to protect one’s lung. People should not eat too much spring onions and ginger. Food such as sesame, sticky rice, honey, loquat and dairy food will be very good to the stomach.“
People should eat more peaches,longans and red beans,that will be good for the heath.